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Here is a list of trail-related projects going on throughout Wells County.

1. SR 124 Trail Project (East Bluffton)

2. Ossian Linear Parkway

3. Rose Rd - Kayak Launch (Wabash River)

4. Pokabache Trail Project

5. Salamonie River - Kayak Launch Projects



How are trail priorities established?

Trail priorities are established through information gathering from multiple sources.  Wells County Trails uses public surveys, public meetings, feedback from our elected officials, feedback from our local parks boards, and board member feedback to help craft the priority list.  We then utilize the Wells County Area Plan Commission and the Northeast Indiana Regional Coordinating Council to help map and represent these priorities.  The priority list changes based on these factors, along with the availability of funding and outside assistance.


Why are we working on all of these projects at once instead of focusing on just the highest needs?

Wells County Trails' goal is to always have a project in the hopper so that we are ready when funding opportunities arise.  Many of these projects are on different timelines and have different potential funding sources.  That is why we can actively work on these projects in unison.  For example, the Poka-Bache Trail Project, which includes a good portion of the Ossian Linear Parkway, is on a path to look for construction funding starting in 2030.  The Poka-Bache Trail has a focus on regional funding.  The SR 124 trail and other projects are potentially on a much quicker time table, bearing the ability to find adequate funding. 




TRAILS MAP (Existing and Proposed Trails)

BLUEWAYS MAP (Kayak and Canoe Launch Sites)

Check Out the Blueways Interactive Map - Kayak Launches - Click Here

Pokabache Trail Map 2024.png
Blue Ways Map 2024.png
Regional Bike-Ped Map_State Priority Trail.png


Wells County Trails is a not-for-profit organization with a vision to provide starting points and destinations, connecting people and places one trail at a time throughout Wells County and beyond.

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